Monday, July 12, 2010

Barriers between Us

I think it is fair to say that people, in general, like to talk. Some like to talk more than others do. My wife has said to me more than a couple times that I am a pretty good talker. 
 If my call was really that important, an actual person should have answered the phone rather than you the machine!  I could sit and write all day telling you of many types of, frustrations I have dealt with but whether it is a voice mail or an automated phone system I would only be addressing a symptom of a much larger problem we all face. That is, more and more Barriers are being built between people. Some are physical barriers, some are electronic and some are psychological. However, it is important to recognize that barriers do exist and machines are taking over the telecommunications arena and, even worst more people are choosing to live their lives in communities where they are gated barring the outside world from entering. There are several of these gated communities in the area where I live. barriers, when our cars run out of gas we can purchase gas with the, Pay at the Pump feature and never communicate with a live person.  Even banks would rather their customers do their banking on-line instead of, walking into the bank. 
The News recently stated that, on-line Bill Pay will exceeded, Mail-in Bill Pay soon, we will soon be using only Self-Checkouts  at the grocery store, avoiding yet another potential conversation with a human being. We are right now able to buy on-line Music, Books, Electronics, Kitchenware, Clothing and many other items You might even be surprised to learn that there is an, Online Church where one can Worship and be Safe from having to Communicate with anyone in person Wow! 
Social Media, has become the communication method of choice for many including myself.  In many ways, it helps us keep in better contact with each other. Social Media allows me to keep in daily contact with friends and business matters from around the country and world. There are many advantages to all of this. However, this medium of virtual communication is a poor substitute for a phone conversation or a real Face-to-Face meeting with a living breathing human being. 
There are some who are against the social media outlets and other technological advances. I am not. There are many ways that, technology can be used to make life better but, on the other hand, if one so chooses could allow it to isolate oneself from others. Voice mails are often ignored or overlooked.  Emails can go unanswered and a friendly hello can fall on seemingly deaf ears. There is a credit card company currently running and promoting a contest in which the grand prize winner will receive his/her own private Island. As most of you know, in the past, there have been many stories written about being stranded on a deserted island. And, in many of these stories, the main character tries desperately to get off the island. Have we come full circle to the point where many of us, want to stay on the island in an attempt to achieve happiness by, being alone? Can we be happy by living alone and, isolated from others?  I don’t think so.
A few weeks ago, there was a story about a man who had been dead for (4) four days in his mobile home. A baby, near death, was also found with him. Fortunately, the baby was saved.  In hearing this story, I could not help but ask myself, why? Did someone not miss this man in the (4) four days after his death. The danger in isolating ourselves is that often times we isolate ourselves from the help we may need. On the downside to this, Go It Alone approach to life is that, we do not make opportunities to get to know the people that live around us.  There is a name for people we don’t know. They are called strangers. We are taught at an early age that strangers cannot be trusted. I am all for protecting children. However, I do believe that it is an overkill for mature adults to shut out individuals we might encounter only because we do not know them. It is easy to think the worst about people we don’t know After all, that gray haired lady shopping on isle seven at the grocery store might be a shoplifter Furthermore, The man that walks his dog by your home every morning might be a burglar.  While it is a good idea to be cautious and use common sense when it comes to safety thinking that everyone around you is a threat is ridiculous. It is more likely that the gray-haired lady shopping on isle seven is a lonely widow whose nearest family resides in another town or state. Also, that man who you see walking down your street with his dog might actually be someone who moved to the area to accept a new job. 
It has been said, stranger's are friends we haven’t met yet. I think we all need to be open to making new friends. A warm smile can be as refreshing as a cold glass of, diet Dr. Pepper on a hot day. There have been many times when a stranger said a word of encouragement to me when I needed to hear it most. I believe all one needs to know is that somebody cares. In fact, there are many people and organizations that have the right idea when it comes to reaching out to others. A small church in my living area has a permanent message below their sign. It says, come as you are. You’ll be loved. 

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